TACHS exam to be online this fall: What you need to know
2020-2021 Test For
Admission Into Catholic High School
Registration will begin 9:00am EST on August 24, 2020
• Prior to registration, Review online remote testing system and device requirements.
• Understand and be able to consent (consent Form) to the use of Proctorio; the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that will monitor and record your student’s test session.
• Register for the exam via internet or telephone beginning at 9:00 AM EST on August 24, 2020. Register before the deadline on October 23, 2020, at 5:00 PM EST. No late registration or walk-in students will be allowed this year.
• Read the email that will be sent to you after you complete your registration for other important information and “next steps”.
• If applicable, complete the Eligibility Form for Students Needing Extended Testing Time, and submit it along with the IEP, IESP, or 504 to your diocese no later than October 09, 2020. There are NO deadline exceptions. The form can be found here: ELIGIBILITY FORM FOR STUDENTS NEEDING EXTENDED TESTING TIME
• After you register, but prior to 05:00 PM EST on November 05, 2020, Enter Your High School choices on tachsinfo.com. Your choices may be revised until November 05. Failure to complete this information prior to November 05, will result in scores being unavailable to your high school choices.
• Attend High School Information Fairs/Expos and Open Houses (attendance is optional). Due to COVID-19, these sessions will follow CDC regulations for in-person events or ultimately may be held online.
• The only available Sample Test Questions can be found at the end of this Student Handbook. An online practice test is not available.
• Beginning October 31, 2020, you should receive an email with your test session date/time/code. If you do not receive this email by November 1, 2020, you may find this information on www.tachsinfo.com (Find my test session code/date/times). You will not be able to start your test session on the day/time of testing without this information.
• Read the instructions covering how to access the test and the necessary steps to follow the day of testing.
• BE ON TIME. Students logging in more than 10 minutes after their test session begins, will not be able to enter the exam.
• Begin the logging in process no less than 30 minutes prior to your test session time.
• If circumstances/illness do not allow a student to take the exam, search for the re-assigned make-up session/time on www.tachsinfo.com on November 12–13, 2020.
• Public school students: provide your eighth grade counselor with a copy of the Applicant Record form and envelopes addressed to each of your 3 high school choices.A school official must mail a copy of the completed Applicant Record to each of your 3 high school choices to arrive by December 16, 2020.
• Receive your High School Admissions Notice(s) mid-January.
• Please refer to the TACHS 2020 website for all program details and deadlines at: www.tachsinfo.com