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TACHS Math Quiz #3 Extended time

July 18, 2024

Math Test: TACHS Math Quiz #3 Extended time

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that answers the question.

1) What is the absolute value of -10?

2) Sean is -245 feet below sea level.  What is the absolute value of the number of feet he is above sea level? 

3) What is the answer to the problem |2| + |-2|?

4) What is the answer to the problem: - |-3| ?

5) |-19| - |-16| + |4|

6) (−8.6) 0

7) -20 ⋅ 5 2

8) Simplify (4 8) 2

9) Which expression is NOT equal to 1?

10) 4 · 7 + 19 · 11 

11) 8 + 16 ÷ 4 · 5 - 3

12) 4[3 + 7(9 2)]

13) 7 · 7 - 5 · 5 + (-10)

14)   3[(7 - 5) 2 + (20 - 19) 2] + 14

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