SHSAT Test Prep
About this course
At Tutoring by Christine, SHSAT class sizes are capped at twelve students, allowing students to ask questions and to get one-on-one support from expert instructors; 30 plus hours of intensive training that consist of six full length practice tests. Students will be taught with a variety of materials, all of which will be supplied to them.
Students enrolled in our test prep program will receive intensive training to successfully complete all parts of the exam. Not only will students review tactics and content, but students will receive instructions and practice in time management strategies. This is critical as many of the tests that students take in traditional schools are no longer timed, and students are often lacking in this area because of this.
We are skilled to prepare all students: remedial students who may or may not have an IEP, general education students, and advanced students. We pride ourselves on the individual attention we give to each student.
Homework will be assigned each week to reinforce the concepts and strategies taught in class.
All materials will be provided.
*****Includes optional class for students who are taking both the SHSAT and the TACHS exam.
The Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) is the sole criterion for admission to 8 of the 9 Specialized High Schools in New York City (LaGuardia is a portfolio/audition school). The test is broken into two parts: English Language Arts (Revising/Editing) and Mathematics. The questions can be answered in any order, allowing students to skip back and forth between the two sections.
- The Bronx High School of Science
- The Brooklyn Latin School
- Brooklyn Technical High School
- High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College of New York
- High School of American Studies at Lehman College
- Queens High School for the Sciences at York College
- Staten Island Technical High School
- Stuyvesant High School
There is no passing score in SHSAT. Out of about 30,000 students who take the test, about 3,000 – 4,000 top-scoring students are offered admissions in specialized high schools. Although there is no passing score, there will be a cutoff score for each Specialized High School. Starting with the highest scorers, students are admitted to their top-choice school until seats are filled. For example, if there are 500 spaces at Stuyvesant, the top 500 scorers who put Stuyvesant first will be accepted. The 501st student would be admitted to their second-choice school.
Is there homework assignments?
Supplemental high-quality homework assignments will be assigned to use between class sessions. This ensures that students will keep practicing and get better at the different skills and strategies that have been introduced and taught in class.
How are students’ progress monitored?
Instructors keep track of students’ progress and make recommendations for further support when needed.
Can students make up missed classes?
Students may make up missed classes when instructors are given advance notification of planned absences.